Protection, Education, Employment

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Protection, Education, Employment

Below is a list of questions to serve as a starting framework for the discussion in this thread:

  • In what ways can diaspora groups protect refugee’s safety and rights?
  • How can diaspora support basic, secondary and higher education of the young generation in the refugee population?
  • What role do/can diaspora groups play in allocating temporary work permits to workers in receiving countries?
  • Share stories of success.
Education of Children in Refugee Camp in Nepal

I find this video about a girl who got education in refugee camp in Nepal to be very inspiring. It is also a good summarize of what problem the children in the refugee camps face and how to educate people in those situation. 

Do you have any other examples illustrating what have been done to refugees' education, employment and what should be done? 

ways diaspora groups protect refugee’s safety and rights?

As mentioned before in a previous thread, diaspora members can employ influence on their countries of origin and host countries through many channels [1]. For policy interests, diasporas contribute in four critical areas [2]. The fourth is lobbying in the host country. This dimension has a significant impact on diaspora policies since diaspora members lobby politically and non-politically for particularized as well as collective ends [2]. Which might and should cover refugees protection, safety and right. Because diaspora members can influence their host countries through lobbying within them, they are also able to influence or "encourage" host countries to adopt policy options and strategies that suit their political and/or social desires (Ibid.).

So in answering the question, lobbying/advocacy/campaigning are some of the ways to protect refugee’s safety and rights.


1- Fransen, S. & Siegel, M., 2016. Diaspora Engagement Policies after Conflict: Burundi and Rwanda.. In: D. J. Besharov & M. H. Lopez, eds. Adjusting to a World in Motion: Trends in Global Migration and Migration Policy. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 373-389.

2- Mohamoud, A. A., 2006. African Diaspora and Post-Conflict: Reconstruction in Africa, Copenhagen: DANISH INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES.


learning circles, access and opportunities  Great TED talk.  Ashraf:  I agree completely.  Lobbying and advocacy are critical


Allison Wall our RefugeeRISE Communication Coordinators discusses EMBARC educational projects:  


Refugee youth are pretty unaware of the support and programs available to them to receive higher education or training that can lead to self-sufficient careers so it is the job of diaspora NGOs that serve them to make sure they are supported and educated on the future opportunities they could take advantage of. EMBARC does a lot of educational programming for the refugee youth we serve. RefugeeRISE AmeriCorps recently started its’ YouthRISE program. YouthRISE is for kids 14-24 and the primary focus is to educate them about future opportunities based on what they are interested in. Workshops and presentations will be offered on topics like applying for college, getting scholarships, finding jobs, career exploration, health insurance, creating resumes, and job interviews. The first meeting was encouraging, and 13 students were fully committed to meeting at least once a month. We hope to help them get better paying jobs or go to college by educating them about opportunities that are available to them.

Another education program EMBARC does is SPARK. There are  elementary and middle school academic programs that provide children from refugee families with individualized, interactive tutoring while allowing them to socialize and enjoy themselves. SPARK combines classroom learning activities and field trips to engage children and give them the educational boost they need to become academically successful.

Parental support and involvement in children’s education is also important and EMBARC has the Parent Navigator Program to help with this. Many parents that are refugees from Burma don’t know that they should be involved with the child’s education. Education is usually thought of as being the teacher responsibility, not the parents. The Parent Navigator Program helps educate parents on the role parents play in children’s education and tools for engaging in their children’s homework when they don’t know the language. Many of the Navigators feel like they can better support their kids after completing learning circles.