About Us
Inspiring and Equipping Activists to Change the World
Our mission is to strengthen the work of everyday activists, advocates and human rights defenders. We do this through providing resources and training in strategic thinking and tactical planning.

Supporting activists and human rights defenders in three key ways

Here at New Tactics, we believe informed and connected citizens are key to lasting human rights improvements in their communities. Since 1999, we have promoted tactical innovation and strategic thinking within the international human rights community, in three key ways:


We offer a variety of free resources. Human rights defenders say these tools make a significant difference in the way they approach their work:

  • Strategic Effectiveness Method:

    Build your strategic journey of change! Our 5-step methodology helps human rights defenders recognize their areas of strength and challenge. Use our method to plan effective action, creating a more a clear path to change.

  • Tactics Database:

    Explore tactic ideas for your advocacy action plan. This searchable collection provides over 250 examples of successful human rights based tactics. You can browse the full library or filter by human right, aims, action tags or location.

  • Tactical Mapping Tool:

    Engage others in your advocacy planning. Our secure online tool helps you map and track your allies and opponents. Visualize the human relationships involved in your issue to better identify opportunities for effective action.

  • Advocacy Evaluation Toolkit:

    These tools support human rights defenders in evaluating their advocacy efforts. You can then adjust and improve your human rights advocacy efforts based on your context.

Training & mentoring for Strategic Effectiveness

New Tactics offers in-person and virtual training with human rights defenders around the world. Our customized training enhances strategic advocacy planning within your specific context. We also offer extended one on one mentorship throughout the life of your campaign.

  • Globally,

    We’ve trained thousands of participants in 89 different countries. We have staff based in the US and Jordan. We offer training in English, Arabic and Spanish. We also have experience working with interpreters of many other languages.

  • In the MENA region,

    Our Jordan based staff offer localized, direct training and mentoring. Since 2010, the MENA team has trained more than 3,000 human rights defenders 16 countries in the region in our Strategic Effectiveness Method. These human rights defenders have come from over 1,000 organizations.

Building a Global Community

The human rights community spans the globe. But defending human rights in your community can feel lonely. We bring human rights defenders together in conversation to share experiences and support.

  • Since 2007,

    We have held over 100 conversations in English, Arabic and Spanish. More than 600 human rights defenders from 120 countries have participated. These conversations help strengthen the global human rights community

Find us on social media
You can interact with New Tactics in a variety of channels. Join our community of more than 36,000 followers on any of the following platforms:

Impact of Our Work

Since 1999, New Tactics has provided nonviolent and successful human rights-based approaches that human rights defenders can adapt to their own unique contexts. We have strengthened the work of thousands of individuals and organizations across the globe.

human rights defenders trained in our Strategic Effectiveness Method
countries where we’ve offered workshops in English, Arabic & Spanish
inspiring human rights tactics available in our Tactics Database