Philippe Duhamel

Philippe Duhamel's picture
Philippe Duhamel
Job Title: 
Director of liberating possibilities
Via Strategia
Country or Region: 


Philippe Duhamel found (or was found by) his life's mission some twenty-five years ago : to become a nonviolent actionist and an educator for social change. His goal is to help spread strategic and tactical knowledge found in nonviolent struggle to help free ourselves from oppression, and safeguard Mother Earth for future generations.

Philippe Duhamel is the author of the "Dilemma Demonstration" tactical notebook. He was a presenter to the West Group Regional Training Workshop held in Venice, and the World Symposium held in Ankara. In 2005 and 2006, Philippe served briefly as notebook editorand helped design and cofacilitate the Asia Regional Training Workshop held inChiang Mai, Thailand.

Philippe writes the interTactica blog on the New Tactics website. He garnered extensive experience with the media through being a columnist for two years for the French radio network of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and a recognized activist spokesperson in the French-speaking Quebec media on issues of nonviolent direct action, civil disobedience, the alternative globalization movement and social justice issues. He found (or was found by) his life's mission some twenty-five years ago: to become a nonviolent actionist and an educator for social change. His goal is to help spread strategic and tactical knowledge found in nonviolent struggle to help free ourselves from oppression, and safeguard Mother Earth for future generations.

New Tactics resources I have created

Conversations I have led