The act or process of people supporting a cause or proposal or working for change.
The act or process of people supporting a cause or proposal or working for change.
People, groups or institutions that are working together for mutual benefit or to achieve some common purpose. This relationship can be short-term to long-term depending upon the benefits and degree of common purpose. Active allies are people or organizations that actively and openly support and are involved in your work. Passive allies are people or organizations who support your goals but have not yet become involved in advancing your work.
A group of two or more people or organizations working together.
The people from whom an organization hopes to attract, and continue to attract, support.
The aim or purpose toward which an effort is directed.
A term used to describe people who, individually or with others, act to promote or protect human rights. Human rights defenders might also be called human rights activists or practitioners.
A person, group or institution whose aim is to prevent one from achieving their goal.
The result of an action or series of actions. An outcome may be positive, negative or neutral.
The organization of actions to implement strategy and tactics.
A situation, condition, issue or obstacle that makes it difficult to achieve a desired human rights related objective, purpose or goal.