Provide Support and Training to Build Professionalism Among Law Enforcement Personnel

Unfortunately, law enforcement personnel often engage in unprofessional conduct. This may be due to a lack of training, indiscipline, poor leadership or political manipulation. This leads to human rights abuses. The Liberia National Law Enforcement Association (LINLEA) promotes professionalism among law enforcement personnel. The association advances the perspective that law enforcement officers should be the leading human rights protectors and promoters. The law enforcement code of ethics and canons of police ethics prescribes this role for officers. These codes challenge officers to respect the constitutional rights of all people to liberty, equality and justice. LINLEA was established to meet police officers’ needs for training, advocacy and assistance. LINEA does this in a context that makes them willing to join and participate.

Engaging Respected Leaders

Law enforcement officials themselves saw the need to improve respect for human rights within their own ranks. To create LINLEA, respected law enforcement officers were invited to participate and establish an organizing committee. These respected officers were heads of public and private law enforcement departments and agencies. The committee developed the articles of incorporation and appointed a board of directors. The minister of justice attended the launch, add­ing legitimacy to the association. The association has since established a wide variety services for its members including:

  • training in police and investigative procedures
  • human rights and leadership, and
  • mechanisms to enhance enforcement of professional standards such as grievance procedures.

In addition, the association reaches beyond the law enforcement network. It works together with communities and organizations to improve the human rights conditions in Liberia.

Requirements and Incentives

LINLEA’s approach requires an investment of time, money and effort from the police officers them­selves. Members make a personal investment in the organization by paying dues. This added an incentive for professional behavior. It required behavior that shows a respect for human rights. This incentive and respect arose from within rather than outside the profession. This was critical to building organizational strength.

LINLEA has now grown into a network of more than 500 law enforcement personnel. This represents nearly 20 percent of the police force as well as many members of other law enforcement institutions.

Association Benefits

LINLEA created a Center for Criminal Justice Research and Education. It has provided leadership and human rights training for 223 senior law enforcement officers. It has also conducted a training-of-trainers workshop for trainers and curriculum specialists of law enforcement agencies. And a workshop on policy formulation and development for law enforcement planners and administrators.

The association hosts annual social events which strengthen the bonds among members and their families. Public forums help to build relationships between law enforcement and communities. LINLEA provides ongoing ser­vices that benefit law enforcement personnel, including:

  • certificates for participating in training workshops, which can help them receive promotions;
  • support for their requests for advancement within the law enforcement struc­tures;
  • help with and some protection from professional problems such as dismissals and wrongful charges; and
  • some help when facing personal problems such as financial distress due to a death in the family.  

LINLEA’s organizers have a deep understanding of the chal­lenges law enforcement personnel face and the kinds of support they need. This is because they are law enforcement officials themselves. This supported law enforcement personnel who wanted to improve their own conduct. This also provided leverage for changing the behaviors of those who violate professional norms.

For more information on this tactic, read our in-depth case study.

What we can learn from this Tactic:

This tactic arose from the ranks of law enforcement officials themselves. It is important to recognize that there are people within structures interested to advance human rights. It is possible to improve respect and advance human rights within these structures. Policing structures can be especially challenging to support and advance change within the ranks. Many organizations have tried to introduce training programs for law enforcement officials. This tactic highlights the importance of engaging people within these structures. They have a deep understanding how to engage their colleagues. They understand their needs and challenges. The investment of time, money and effort from police officers them­selves was critical. They paid dues to the organization. This added an incentive for professional behavior. This incentive and respect came from within rather than outside the profession.
New Tactics in Human Rights does not advocate for or endorse specific tactics, policies or issues.

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