The Living Newspaper Project is an innovative program to reinvigorate civic education through the dramatization of contemporary human rights issues.
Photo by Wally Gobetz of the University of Texas, Austin Union and Main Tower
The current project builds on the United States Federal Theater project. This project was created under the 1930s New Deal to put unemployed researchers, journalists and performers. They worked to create theater pieces about events of the day. Today’s Living Newspapers take place in the classroom where the Living Newspaper—literally, a newspaper brought to life—engages students in conducting research on current events, creative writing and staging public performances. Students gain a greater ability to understand and affect the world around them through an interdisciplinary, hands-on, collaborative project. Ultimately, the goal is to take action. By simply being aware of injustices, audience members can actually taking steps to do something to change the situation.
This program was re-created by the Humanities Institute at the University of Texas (UT) at Austin. In partnership with the Performance as Public Practice Program, Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice, and the Theatre Action Project, the Living Newspapers across Disciplines program illustrates the power of connecting students to the world around them. It illustrates the power of interdisciplinary and interactive approaches. Living Newspapers also provides teachers with the tools to guide their students through a Living Newspaper unit in classrooms as diverse as English, Social Studies, Spanish, Astronomy or Theater Arts.
Participating teachers receive the Living Newspaper Resource Guide. It contains TEKS-aligned model lesson plans, evaluative tools, and resources[NP1] , and the ongoing support of a program team comprised of subject specialists, UT Austin graduate and professional students, and UT Austin faculty. In addition to the academic skills emphasized by the program, students also benefit from relationships with graduate and professional student guest teachers. They receive exposure to an array of post-secondary school opportunities and careers in the humanities, higher education, law, public affairs and the arts.
In creating Living Newspapers, students choose their own topics. This element has been critical to the success of the program. Also critical have been the flexibility of the curriculum and the creation of a program that could be adapted to a variety of classrooms and disciplines.
For example, classrooms across Central Texas Living Newspapers incorporated:
As a direct result of her participation in “Got Rights”, one ninth-grade student deepened her involvement in the Invisible Children movement. She joined efforts to educate people about the 20,000 Ugandan children who have been kidnapped and forced to work as child soldiers. After incorporating the issue into the Living Newspaper, she organized screenings of a documentary on the issue at her school. Additionally, she held a benefit concert to raise money for the organization.
In the course of its three year history, the Living Newspaper Project has reached approximately eighty Central Texas middle school, high school and community college teachers, as well as several hundred students. In August 2009, in an expansion of the Living Newspapers project beyond the academic year, a Summer Youth Performance Troupe started. This five-week summer workshop involved 16 middle and high school students in a five-week Forgotten Gateway immigration project at the Texas State History Museum.
Already there have been requests for the curriculum from Japan to Massachusetts. By giving students the freedom to choose subjects that interest them personally, the program encourages students to become leaders and activists on global issues from their own local community.