This case study comes from the Jordanian Civic Activists Toolkit II: Case Studies of Jordanian Advocacy Campaigns (Full Book).
About the Campaign
The depletion and destruction of Jordan’s irreplaceable cultural heritage by illegal excavations and trade in antiquities has reached an alarming level. This loss is costing the Jordanian people their right to access, enjoy, and participate in their cultural heritage. Culture is fundamental to human dignity and identity.
Based in Irbid, Al Masir International Center for Studies Research and Training (Al Masir Center) focused on the legal, social and political circumstances that enable and explain the depletion and destruction of Jordan’s antiquities. As a result, Al Masir Center’s advocacy, Saving Our Cultural Heritage, promoted the preservation of the right to cultural heritage through recommended amendments to the Antiquities Law No. 21 of 1988 and national artifacts inventory and documentation system for museums, for decision makers. These two critical areas can significantly combat the threats posed by the looting and loss of cultural property.
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