Tips Before Starting Your Journey of Change

Tip #1

Engage your team in discussing common “ground rules” for respect, discussion and participation. This will make it possible for each member to feel safe. This will help motivate your team to develop your strategy to achieve your common goals.

Tip #2

Care for your most valuable resource – YOU.

Sun Tzu’s directive to “Know Yourself” is not limited to your strategic advocacy efforts. It is very important to pay attention to YOU! You and each team member are the most valuable resources for any advocacy work. Protecting and advancing human rights is difficult. You may be a survivor of human rights abuses. You may experience the sights, sounds and stories of survivors that are very hard to bear. You may work long hours and live in dangerous situations. What you are doing can be stressful and traumatizing for you. The impacts of our human rights advocacy change us whether you experience it firsthand or through others. It is important to learn to recognize and manage un-healthy stress. 

All the work you do to create a better society will have little meaning if you lose your health and good relationships along the way. Be aware when you are losing connections with people important to you. Your team can help by taking time to discuss, reflect and support each other while you do this work. 


Explore how others have used our methodology to advance their human rights advocacy. Learn about our in-person and online trainings utilizing our 5-step Strategic Effectiveness Method. Or click below to identify your human rights-based problem.

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