Urdu Collection of Tactics (book)

Cover of printed bookThis book, published by the Center for Victims of Torture - New Tactics in Human Rights, is a collection of 80 stories of successful tactics used for human rights work.  The stories come from all over the world and range from prevention tactics to intervention tactics, restorative tactics to those that building human rights cultures and institutions.

"All around the world and at all levels, in small villages and in national governments as well as at the highest levels of international justice, people are creating and using innovative tactics to make their work more effective. The New Tactics in Human Rights Project captures these tactical innovations and shares them with others striving to advance human rights. I invite you to join me in celebrating this work and in making use of the valuable resource you now hold in your hands."     - Justice Richard J. Goldstone

New Tactics in Human Rights: A Resource for Practitioners in its entirety is available in Urdu below via Scribd. You can read the document below or download the PDF on Scribd.


New Tactics in Human Rights: A Resource for Practitioners - Urdu by newtactics
