Photo by RDNE Stock project
New Tactics and the International Fellowship of Reconciliation’s Women Peacemakers Program (IFOR/WPP) hosted this online conversation. The topic: Faith-based peacebuilding: Applying a gender perspective. IFOR/WPP and its partners have been exploring the link between gender, religion and (inter)faith-based peacebuilding. They include the positive role religion can play in promoting peacebuilding, and human and women’s rights. This conversation highlighted three main areas:
- the role of religion in conflict and peacebuilding
- the rise of religious fundamentalism, and
- the threat this poses for women’s human rights are issues receiving increasing attention.
This conversation provided is an opportunity to explore a number of questions and share experiences. What are some of the major obstacles in relation to gender equality posed by religion? How are women’s rights specifically affected in this regard? Which strategies are used by women activists to overcome those obstacles (best practices)? Which positive dimensions do religion and spirituality bring to women’s lives? What specific obstacles and advances in terms of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Resolutions can be found in faith-based peacebuilding contexts and initiatives? The rich exchange of experiences is shared within the headings below.
We do not want to choose between religion and women’s rights. We need to claim our right to redefine religion, bring out its positive aspects in women’s lives, and strategize against the negative practices that are being justified on the basis of religion.
A participant of the IFOR/WPP Consultation on faith-based peacebuilding and gender (Cyprus, 2010)
Relationship between faith, peacebuilding and gender
Religion has the potential to empower women but ignorance, media propaganda and misinterpretation of religious texts has allowed religion to be used as a cover-up to fuel conflict, war and violence. Yet, readings of holy texts should not be confused with the text itself, which does not teach injustice.
Religious leaders and patriarchal interpretations
Patriarchal interpretations of religious texts are observed in all religions. This needs to change. To achieve this, it is important that women of all religious denominations reclaim their right of interpretation of scriptures. This is particularly important in terms of faith-based peacebuilding.
Faith-based peacebuilding is about finding commonalities, uniting people, and recognizing that all humans are created equal. Religion can play a tremendous role in peacebuilding. Particularly in countries where religious leaders play a strong role in community affairs. Where they help in mobilizing for peace. And when they provide hope to people.
Religious leaders at times also play a role in promoting intolerance of other religions. They have tremendous influence on youth and their attitudes about other faiths. That can easily stir up emotions and incite violence. In this context, promoting interfaith dialogue and prayer can be useful in rebuilding relationships and strengthening bonds. It is important to underline here that the responsibility of expressing positive religious messages does not rest solely on the shoulders of religious leaders. Parents have a responsibility to ensure that their children are being taught constructive interpretations of their faith. It is important to encourage their children to be open to other faiths.
Obstacles and advances for the realization of women’s rights in faith-based peacebuilding
Women are differently affected during conflict. They are often taking up new roles during conflict – including heading the family. Women are important stakeholders when it comes to building peace.
Due to the different social norms, roles, rules and regulations for women, men, girls and boys, women often have a hard time getting included in peacebuilding processes. This includes faith-based peace processes. Most of those who have interpreted religion are the same who hold positions of power and are unwilling to open these up. Religion becomes a tool to manipulate a section of society into oppression, for the domination of others.
It is not the scripture that creates obstacles for women’s role in peace and security matters. But it is the interpretations given to scripture. That said, many of the exclusionary and violent practices used against women, and thought to be religion-based, are in fact cultural norms. These norms are “supported” by carefully selected texts. Texts are interpreted by men and women will accept these interpretations. They often lack the education and confidence to challenge the interpretations. This highlights, first, the need for education to free women. Second, the need to support women’s writing and re-interpreting of scripture. But, challenging widely accepted interpretations which have become intertwined with cultural and religious practices is not easy. This requires a high level of courage by those openly questioning these interpretations.
Leveraging the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) provides women with an important tool to claim their space in peacebuilding. Individual organizations have realized how important creativity is for awareness-raising with regard to UNSCR 1325. Many women’s groups are actively working for UNSCR 1325 implementation at the grassroots level in different countries. Still, governments rarely push it, and many people remain unaware of its existence. Women involved in conflict prevention and resolution processes within faith-based settings face another challenge: They rarely operate at high decision-making levels within these settings. To change this, UNSCR 1325 needs to be promoted further at the grassroots level. More specifically, promoted amongst religious communities. Finally, the involvement of religious leaders to generate their support for women’s peace work is necessary.
Applying a gender perspective in faith-based peacebuilding
Women peace activists working in faith-based contexts should work together. Exchange ideas and experiences, replicate successful examples and research religious texts and teachings. An example of a successful move by women to change their role is that of the Afghan Peace Jirga. Their path was long, but the effort opened new possibilities for them Afghanistan. This included participation in the 2007 Afghanistan-Pakistan Peace Jirga in 2007. Another example comes from Kenya. Women have defied the male dominated order of religious leadership. They have been ordained as Bishops, Reverends and Pastors. This is creating a platform for interpretation of the Bible from a woman’s perspective. During 2007, religious institutions in the country have given women a platform and facilities to meet and funds to work for peace.
Women have to be creative in their approaches and strategic in whom to involve, which includes involving men. Women need safe spaces to meet. They also need alliances with religious leaders who are sympathetic to their struggle.
The IFOR/WPP 2010 Interfaith Consultation in Cyprus concluded with three main recommendations for activists and policy makers. These recommendations support the involvement of women in faith-based and interfaith peacebuilding:
- Support progressive religious scholars and activists and sustaining each other by creating a support network.
- Build bridges by involving progressive male religious leaders and showcasing how men are also victims of fundamentalist interpretations.
- Create awareness and further education of UNSCR 1325 and relating it to local realities and contexts.
An initial step is to realize that patriarchy is not only characteristic of religion. It exists in most domains in life, including politics and economics. As feminists refused to stop being active in these arenas, so should be the case in religion. The next step is to empower women in local communities through dialogue, awareness and education. Remind people of the original role that women have played in different religions. To take the discussion to the next level and to ensure a greater gender perspective three primary avenues exist:
- education
- advocacy, and
- affecting policy.
For example, an organization such as Peace X Peace provides education and outreach. Peace x Peace provides weekly publications to 20,000 women in 120 countries. They advocate on behalf of policies and legislation that supports and empowers women. They engage with civil society to ensure their recommendations and voices are heard in the development of a US National Action Plan for Women, Peace and Security.
Individuals working in this area can share advice and experiences. Support each other by sharing training resources and tools. Share their networks of funders, trainers and practitioners engaged in similar work. An important part of sustainable activism is having a network to provide moral support.
- Association for Women’s Rights in Development
- Civil Society Recommendations on the Implementation of UN SCR 1325 in Europe (2009) by the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office, Initiative for Peace and International Alert
- Faith-Based Peacebuilding: Mapping and Analysis of Christian, Muslim and Multi-Faith Actors, (2005) Paper by the Netherlands Institute of International Relations and Salam Institure for Peace and Justice, Washington DC
- “Faith-based peacebuilding: The need for a gender perspective”, International Women’s Partnership for Peace and Justice (IWP) 2011 publication
- (Inter)faith-based Peacebuilding: The Need for a Gender Perspective (report)
- Liberation of Women in Religious Sources, The Religious Consultation on Population, Reproductive Health and Ethics
- Re-writing traditional stories to gain a gender-sensitive perspective, tactic about the work of an the NGO Women & Memory Forum in Egypt
- Religions for Peace website
- Taking Back God: American Women Rising Up for Religious Equality, review of book by Leonora Tanenbaum
- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on gender mainstreaming in peacebuilding
- Violence is not our culture: the global campaign to stop violence against women in the name of culture, global network of organisations and individuals committed to ending discrimination and violence against women in the name of culture/religion. And their Toolkit for Online Activism
- World Bank Chapter on Empowerment
- Women’s Rights & Islam, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) publication