Celebrating a Decade with the Center for Victims of Torture: Reflections on Leading New Tactics in Human Rights

As I reflect on my 10th anniversary with the Center for Victims of Torture (CVT) and managing the New Tactics in Human Rights program, I feel an overwhelming sense of pride, gratitude and reflection on the journey we've taken. Over the past decade, the New Tactics team and I have had the privilege of training 1,762 human rights defenders from 72 countries. Each individual represents a story of resilience, courage and commitment to advancing human rights globally.

How did the Journey Start?  

I participated in the New Tactics 5-Step Strategic Effectiveness Training of Trainers (ToT) myself in 2010 and immediately began applying the method in training and mentoring local organizations. Experiencing the training firsthand and seeing its powerful impact on my own strengthened my belief in the transformative potential of strategic thinking to empower activists and drive meaningful change in the fight for human rights. later In 2014, I officially joined the New Tactics program as a training manager and had the privilege of leading the New Tactics MENA office starting in 2015. In 2022, I embraced an exciting new challenge as the global program manager for New Tactics.

When I first joined CVT,  I was eager to contribute to a vision that aligned so closely with my own passion for justice and human dignity. The New Tactics in Human Rights program was built on the belief that by equipping activists with innovative strategies, we could empower them to work against human rights violations and demand accountability.

Navigating Challenges Amidst Instability

Over the years, the challenges became more nuanced. One of the most significant issues we faced was the changing political landscape in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The Arab Spring of 2011 brought hope and optimism, but it was followed by periods of instability, which made it difficult to implement long-term projects. Governments became increasingly suspicious of international human rights efforts, and many of our local partners were forced to operate in an environment of heightened surveillance and risk. It was a delicate balancing act—ensuring we were providing the support activists needed without inadvertently putting them in danger.

During these moments, it is crucial not to lose hope. For many of us, the ongoing devastation in Gaza is a painful reminder of the immense challenges the region continues to face. Yet, even in these darkest times, we must believe that change, however small, is possible. What begins as grassroots action—whether it's providing essential relief, mobilizing for peace, or standing in solidarity with the people of Gaza—can grow into something greater over time. Progress might seem slow, but every step toward justice matters, and we must not let despair overshadow the small victories that accumulate along the way. Meaningful change takes time, but we must remain steadfast in our pursuit of human dignity and freedom.

Inspiring Moments of Success

Despite the challenges, there have been countless moments of success and transformation that stand out. One of the most rewarding aspects of my role has been witnessing the growth and evolution of our participants and partners. Over the years, I've watched activists become more confident in their strategies, more effective in their advocacy and more resilient in the face of adversity.

Participants frequently share how this training has transformed their work practices. It has led to the creation of impactful advocacy campaigns, improved planning and execution of human rights projects, and contributed to personal and professional growth. Many have integrated our methodology into their ongoing campaigns, resulting in more structured and strategic approaches to their advocacy work. One participant reflected on how the New Tactics training deepened their understanding and mastery of advocacy principles, fundamentally enhancing their approach to human rights work: “The changes are positive both on personal and professional levels fostering a systematic understanding of advocacy, resilience, and the ability to adapt to evolving challenges in the field, grounded in the three pillars of knowledge.” 

Another significant achievement has been our expansion into digital learning. Over the years, we’ve developed online resources, webinars, podcasts, campaign case study documentation and tactics. Our six-week online course has expanded our reach, offering human rights defenders access to vital training regardless of geographical limitations. In addition to the Tactical Mapping Tool, it helps human rights defenders visually map out the challenges and opportunities in their work. This enables them to identify key allies, potential opponents and strategies to maximize impact. This became especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic when in-person workshops were no longer feasible. Our digital learning environment has opened doors for activists from across the globe, allowing them to engage in interactive sessions, build networks, and gain critical skills to advance their advocacy efforts

Through these efforts, we have witnessed countless success stories where participants have applied the tools and tactics they learned to create real change. Their ability to influence policy, lead advocacy campaigns and build strategic networks stands as a testament to the enduring impact of the New Tactics in Human Rights program.

Personal Growth and Lessons Learned

This decade of working with the New Tactics in Human Rights program has not only shaped me professionally but also personally. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is the value of resilience. Human rights work is a long, often arduous journey, and it can sometimes feel like progress is painstakingly slow. But moments of triumph, like seeing our partners achieve victories in their communities, remind me that every step forward is significant.

I've also learned that building change is not always about grand gestures; it often starts small, with individuals and communities daring to imagine something different. Whether it's launching a local campaign or standing up to injustice in one’s own community, these small acts of resistance, solidarity and hope can lead to larger movements that advocate for freedom and justice. Change is incremental but inevitable, and it is our responsibility to nurture it, even when the road is long and fraught with obstacles 

Moreover, collaboration is key. The work we do would not be possible without the dedication, bravery and commitment of the human rights defenders and organizations we partner with. Working together, we’ve been able to build networks of support that extend far beyond individual projects. These partnerships have allowed us to share knowledge, amplify each other’s voices and create a stronger, more united front in the fight for human rights.

Finally, adaptability has been key. The world of human rights is constantly evolving, and the ability to pivot, respond to new challenges and innovate has been critical to our success. Whether it was adjusting to the rapidly changing political climates in the MENA region or transitioning to digital learning during a global pandemic, adaptability has ensured that we continue to support and empower those on the frontlines of human rights advocacy.

Looking Ahead: A Future of Possibilities

As I celebrate this milestone, I am filled with hope for the future. The need for human rights defenders is more urgent than ever, and the New Tactics in Human Rights program will continue to play a critical role in equipping activists with the strategies they need to create lasting change.

Looking forward, I am excited about deepening our partnerships, expanding our digital platforms and continuing to support defenders in their efforts to uphold justice, equality and human dignity. There is still much work to be done, but I am confident that with the passion, resilience and collaboration of our global community, we will continue to make a difference.

To my colleagues, partners and the countless activists who have shared this journey with me THANK YOU. Let us remember that even in the darkest moments, we must hold onto hope, for it is hope that sustains us and drives us toward the change we seek.