Looking for inspiration & new ideas for your campaign? Check out our new Strategy Toolkit!

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our online Strategy Toolkit, available in both English and Arabic!


Our online Strategy Toolkit is a collection of resources and tools for building strategic thinking and tactical innovation.  We’ve organized the material using the tested framework of our in-person trainings.  We call this framework the 5 Steps to Strategic Effectiveness Method.

This resource has been developed primarily for human rights advocates, their organizations, coalitions, and networks to help better understand the importance and need for strategic thinking and to provide tools to help examine and determine what tactics might best help advance efforts to make change.

Whether you are:

  • new to human rights work and need a place to start,
  • a seasoned activist who could use structure and new ideas, or
  • a trainer who works with groups on the frontlines

this toolkit will give you the tools to demystify strategy and create powerful action.

Take a look around, try out the materials, and let us know what you think!